For almost a month now I have been looking for inspiration to make an original blog post. The last few weeks have been all about posting my already published newspaper features. I expected my birthday to result in a blog post but despite having had quite a fabulous two day celebration it did not result in ‘24 reasons why it’s great to be 24’. BTW I did come up with 18. hehehe. I sat down last Sunday when the blog turned one telling myself I just had to post something, however my ever involuntary brain refused to take instructions and shut down. But today when I woke up to people going ‘Happy Birthday Chennai’ everywhere the words just started flowing and here I am trying to do my bit by dedicating this piece of writing to the city that has been my only home.
The Absolut Chennai tee I picked up at the Tantra stall in Express Avenue last week makes extra sense when I look at it now trying to bring back to mind every memory that I associate with this place. I very often wish life in Chennai could be like Bhansali’s ‘Saawariya’ because if you’ve noticed the city is particularly charming post six o clock, be it the Marina beach stretch, the illuminated Park Hotel, those tree flanked roads that take you to Besant nagar or the East Coast Road. And as if in reaction to how much in all these years we have cursed the city for its weather conditions, today is one beautiful, beautiful rainy day.
The roads could be cleaner, the traffic lesser and the people more broadminded. There’s a lot that needs to change. Imperfect and flawed, yes, but aren’t we all? Maybe that’s what gives Chennai an almost human quality and makes it so very endearing.
P.S. If you find this post a little random that’s because it’s fully meant to be:D