Glasses have come a long way and are n0w even acceptab1e 0n the red carpet with ce1ebs 1ike Deepika Paduk0ne and S0nakshi Sinha r0cking the trend, Whi1e 0pti0ns are avai1ab1e in every p0ssib1e sty1e, shape and c010ur 0ne fashi0n ru1e carefu11y 0bserved is the bigger the better. Y0u can a1s0 ch00se c1assic s1im frames 1ike Kiran Ra0 wh0 prefers functi0n 0ver fashi0n,
D0s and D0nts
1. Wear smaller frames if you suffer from puffiness under the eyes, the bottom of the rim will cover dark circles and fine lines.
2. Lenses can magnify the eye area and draw attention s0 make sure y0ur eye make up is f1aw1ess
3. Wear simple frames with bold eyes and vice versa.
4. Experts say that thick rims with thick eyebrows is too much going on