Sweaty palms, a lump in the throat and the fear of rejection making things a little more difficult, we’ve all been there some time or the other. We are living in the age of touch screens and facebooking but cupid still strikes and when he does we are sometimes clueless on how to take the first step and ask the other person out. Its February and with Valentine’s Day just weeks away if there is someone who makes your heart flutter you cannot really make excuses. We had our city’s celebs give us a few pointers on how to do it right whether it is getting a date or accepting rejection gracefully.
Dr. Mini Rao
You can find out the persons number through a common friend. Texting is a really nice informal way of asking a woman out. If you’re really shy try leaving a massage on facebook. If you’re the bold type just give her a call. It is best to make it a group thing especially if its on valentine’s day and ask her if she wants to hang out with you and a couple of friends. Ask her out for coffee because it is the least intimidating. For a woman to ask a man out it is quite a bold move though you find it happening these days. You can leave a msg or call depending on how bold or shy you are. It is okay for a woman to ask a man out alone.
Karun Raman
Try making it loud. Get a huge cake and have a pre Valentine’s Day party just for the two of us and asking the person out on the next day. Get to the point. Don’t be indirect. Don’t be boring be full of energy.
Paloma Rao
The best way to ask someone out is to become their friend and then take it from there. You shouldn’t feel pressurised to ask someone out just because its valentine’s day.
Vivek Karunakaran
I think the best way would be to surprise the person. It would be good to bring a fair amount of surprise into the proposal. Don’t be cheesy. Most important be yourself and do it in your style
I think the best way to ask someone out is to ask them directly and straight up, but to make it memorable and special one should put a little thought and effort into it. A few lines on what he/she feel about the person. A small poem or sonnet or it could even be a well thought out line or message. At the end of the day its got to look like you have put a little effort into it. Don’t assume the answer/response this most often messes up your approach. Don’t be nervous, once you look back at the moment you will laugh. Don’t Copy dialogues from movies/internet- they don’t belong to you/therefore not yours/not original. Be honest. Add some chocolates (Great aphrodisiac) be natural and be yourself not someone you’re not.