Sunday, September 16, 2012
Weight Shifters
Eggs are loaded with choline a compound known to help block fat absorption
Kiwi fruit
A large Kiwi has more than a day’s quota of Vitramin C
Legumes are rich in resistant starch a carb that encourages fat burning and shrinks fat cells
Wild Salmon
Omega -3 fatty acids in a fish help you fight flab more effectively
Low and non-fat yoghurt contain 20 per cent of your daily calcium needs and also helps lose belly fat
I hate apples but then it isn’t without reason that man lost paradise over this forbidden fruit. Apples help ferry out some of the fat that you gain from other foods
Quinoa has all the essential amino acid needed to build metabolism muscle
Sweet Potatoes
They contain the same carbs as those found in lentils and also increase production of peptide hormone compounds that signal the brain to stop eating
Olive oil
Monosaturated fats in olive oil help switch on genes related to fat burning
Green soybeens supply 17g of protein per cup and the body torches more calories digesting protein than it does with carbs and fat
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