There was a time when she let others take charge -the conformist. Time passed, she read, she traveled, she rebelled -the feminist. What is she today? How does she define herself? This is what I set out to discover when in conversation with these five very talented women who supremely value their independence just as much as they respect relationship ties. Just by insisting that they would never want to be considered the ‘superior’ sex and would rather be treated as respectable equals they managed to confirm, most subtly, an undeniable superiority of thought. Going by their opinion on everything from eating alone at a restaurant, going dutch on a date, to riding motorcycles and single women adopting kids (increasingly common to an extent that probably by next women’s day you will not even think it’s a big deal) it turns out that the ‘new woman’ is way too busy discovering new things, spending quality time with herself or being a super mom to engage herself in meaningless gender based power games or for that matter even feministic bra burning.. As Rehane put it, I guess it indeed is passé to even give gender issues so much of thought.

Top gear:I think a woman riding a motorcycle is very sexy, those who do definitely have my admiration but it requires certain skills that I myself do not possess. If I was any better with automobiles I would definitely have considered giving it a try.
Anjali Venkat
Top dog:I think being in a relationship with a less successful spouse has never been an issue for women because its men who have been conditioned to believe that they have to be the bread winners and yes the world is cruel too, which doesn’t make it any easier.

Table for one:
I travel a lot and have eaten alone at restaurants and bistros a lot of times. I think its something that’s completely necessity based. You are hungry when on your own, you go grab a bite. I see no reason why you shouldn’t just because you are a woman.
Surya Dinkar

Cheque please:Even today men at some level men like it when you are dependant on them. Picking up the tab seems to give them a sense of superiority, which is why I would never let a man pay for me unless he was my boyfriend. I always prefer going dutch.
Lata madhu

Single mom:I personally know single women who have adopted kids and I think anything women do, they do it with a lot of passion so there is no reason why they shouldn’t. This may not be the ideal choice but I know women who are doing a truly fabulous job.
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