Monday, May 3, 2010

Fashion heals

Unless you’re the Carrie Bradshaw type who would opt for buying Vogue over dinner, if had to choose, this theory may not exactly appeal to you. But give it a chance, put it to practice and sure as hell you will soon be propagating it yourself. At the risk of being condemned as shallow and materialistic I confess I have found therapy to everything from bad head aches to heart breaks in guilt free shopping and unadulterated fashion. Even writers block. Believe it or not after two months of not being able to put together so much as an interesting paragraph this month’s edition of Vogue and rushes of Sex and the City 2 finally got me to writing again.
I know a lot of people who would back me up if I claimed that gorgeous heels can trigger serotonin levels in ways that gooey chocolate cannot. And no I am not talking only Manolo Blahniks. Unlike Carrie, in the real world columnists mostly receive four figure salary cheques, so my mood lifting, stress busting indulgences so far have ranged between fashion mags and a very chic flip phone. Apart from the instant gratification – the feel good factor, the mags have also yielded the lifelong benefit of teaching me to embrace, love and work around my petite form and having a fashionable phone gets a conversation started every time I have to network at an event.
I have often wondered why nobody prescribes window shopping for work stress, hair spas for head aches or LBDs as an aphrodisiac. They definitely work. Nobody seems to have dwelt too much upon the psychological aspects of fashion. As crazy as it might sound there is a psychology to it that has hardly been explored. Fashion in all forms (good shoes, jewelry, great clothes), in my opinion, is the best expression of self love. And as we all know there is nothing quite as instantly rejuvenating as a small dose of self love.

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