image:madras checks
Fashion is not a woman’s prerogative. It probably never was. We women were just living our little fantasy till they managed to figure things out. One key rule that holds good for men’s fashion is that stylish always works better than fashionable. Hot pink shirts might be the ‘in’ thing, but we will always cast our votes for the men who can make a crisp white shirt and a basic blue jean look fabulous.

Speaking of classic trends, houndstooth to madras, checks are super super hot for men right now. And while we are at ‘what’s hot’ and ‘what’s not’, word has it that ‘thirukkural’ tees are selling like hot cakes in Europe. Apparently Europeans find the tamil script very interesting as a design motif and are amazed by the fact that such deep and complex philosophies could be conveyed in two line couplets. Bulk orders of these tees are being exported from Tirupur to an Italian brand that retails in Europe. So what’s stopping us? I am for sure going to flaunt some tamil cool.
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